Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Someone told me the other day that they thought for sure my recent ex boyfriend was "The One"...after I punched them in the colon I got to thinking about all the guys I would rather have than the ones that miserably failed.

So here it is, the list of my future boyfriends.

Jesse McCartney

Those of us that watched Summerland when we were 14 tuned in only to see this fool shirtless and running around on the beach. The show itself was horrible but who cares when Jesse is on screen being a horrible actor but looking so good while doing it. And who could forget Dream Street?! The boy band made Jesse their front man. He is what Justin Bieber wishes he was.

Prince Eric

That's right. Prince Eric from The Little Mermaid. He was the first boy I ever loved and since I am half mermaid that means he would love me too! And he is a prince so that means he is rich :)

Jim Sturgess

If you haven't seen the movie Across the Universe, watch it NOW! He sings Beatles songs!! UGH I love it! It doesn't get much better than Jim and The Beatles. Wait, yes it does...HE IS BRITISH! He was so cute in 21 even when he was all bloody and beat up.

Christian Bale

He stole my heart in Little Women and Newsies, then made me love him even more in American Psycho. And then as if I thought he was already the best there is....he is BATMAN! YES! If you don't love him, you have no soul.

Jay Baruchel

My friend Alex always says I like "skinny white guys" and I guess he is right. I loved this kid in Knocked Up and when I saw She Is Out Of My League I confirmed I had a "thing" for geeky guys (which I knew all along, but for this guy I will actually admit it).

John Krasinski

The Office is one of my favorite shows and I love Jim! John Krasinski is so amazing and I love him in License to Wed. Even though he just recently got married, I know he is thinking about me :)

Rupert Grint

The love of my life. My NUMBER ONE. When I first read Harry Potter I adored it. Ron was my favorite character and when they announced that a movie was being made I died. After watching the movie I fell in love with Rupert Grint. I blow a kiss to my cardboard cutout every morning (don't judge me). Just you wait, we will be married one day.

There it is, my list. I'm sure I can think of so many more, but this is enough for now.

I'm gonna make like a baby and leave.

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